It feels like FOREVER since I last updated, but i've just been crazy busy lately. Stressed
doesn't even begin to describe what things have been like for me...
BUTTT on a happier note!! I was able to do this weeks recipe!
Kim of Scrumptious Photography chose this Chocolate Cream Tart recipe, and wow is
all I can honestly say.

When I was reading the recipe, my eyes flickered to the "playing around" section,
and as soon as I saw the variation was "Chocolate COCONUT CREAM PIE", I was
off to my cabinet for the coconut! The variation was not that much different from
the regular tart except for the fact that before you add the chocolate cream,
there's a layer of creamy coconut custard smoothed on before.
It was absolutely amazing! "It's the best recipe you've made out of that book yet"
exclaimed my family as they licked their plates clean.

And I agree, this probably was one of my all time FAVORITE recipes i've made
from her, so far. There's no question in my mind that I'll make this again.
SOO good !